Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Culture and Language in Society Essay

In a world that is rapidly moving toward a predominantly technological and uniformed system, language and culture are becoming increasingly crucial to defining an individual. For many people, culture still completely dictates their way of life, as is evident in many religions, such as Hinduism, where the line between religious traditions and everyday life is blurred. Just as Henry Trueba can be quoted in Afforming Diversity, Whatever knowledge we acquire, it is always acquired through language and culture, two interlocked symbolic systems considered essential for human interaction and survival. Culture and language are so intricately intertwined that even trained scholars find it impossible to decide where language ends and begins, or which one of the two impacts the other the most (189). Without language, culture would be, as Trueba stated, virtually non-existent, as certain emotions can only be conveyed in certain languages. The same holds true for language, as it is often impossible to translate texts while retaining the same literary and emotional connotations the original version contained because certain words only exist in those languages. Moreover, language, especially in literature, leaves much up to interpretation, and translations often omit any ambiguity that the author may have originally intended. When searching for English versions of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, several versions are available, each translated by different individuals. In each of these books, differences can be observed in the way the plot is described, though they seldom make any difference in the larger scheme. Even the spelling differs (e. g. â€Å"Dunya† and â€Å"Dounia†) simply because of the way the translator thought the word sounded phonetically. By the same token, reading a Tang dynasty poem in Chinese differs greatly from the English translation. Though the English version manages to retain most of the poet’s original message, it lacks the fluidity and the poetic essence that can be found in the same poem in Chinese. As with all subjective issues, language is subject to interpretation, and to take away a literary work’s original language is to deduct from the piece as a whole. Knowledge, however, is not, as Trueba described, acquired solely through culture and language. It is not necessary for language to exist in order for us to know that fire is hot, or that water is wet. Though we may not be able to place these feelings with these specific words, we know that they exist because our sense of touch tells us so. If I chose to call â€Å"fire† â€Å"water,† the flames would still burn my hand when I touched it even if I had attributed a word that would normally extinguish the flames to it. By doing so, I have not changed the entity I have renamed, but have simply categorized it under a different label. A baby does not need to know the meaning of the word â€Å"hot† in order to know that a burning stove is extremely warm to the touch, or the meaning of the word â€Å"light† in order to know that it is brighter in the day than it is at not. After all, â€Å"a rose by any other name would be just as sweet† (Shakespeare, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†). Ever since ancient days, culture and language have played integral roles in defining an individual and dictating one’s everyday life. The morals that we live by are directly related to our cultural values, which are evident in ancient texts, such as the Koran, Bible and Torah. These books, however, have been translated so many times that their meaning has no doubt been at least slightly changed. In the Jewish culture, the Torah must be recited in Hebrew, the original language of the Jews. In this instance, Hebrew is much more than just a language; it also symbolizes the religious beliefs and customs of the Jewish people, and in this way, much of their traditional culture can be retained. Likewise, Catholics conduct Mass in Latin (though it is not as common anymore) and like in Judaism, much of the culture is maintained that way as well. Language leads directly to culture and culture to language in a cyclical process so that the boundaries between the two become virtually nonexistent. By the same token, language (be it English, Russian, Greek or Japanese) would differ greatly from what we know today if culture were to cease to exist. Much of culture as we know it would be lost without language, as it would be next to impossible to carry on cultural traditions from generation to generation without a means of communication. Much of the vocabulary accumulated in languages is a direct result of cultural practices, traditions and innovations. Each time a new revolution in society or technology takes place, a string of new words is developed. It is estimated that a few dozen new words are added to the English language alone each year. 1 Common words such as â€Å"television,† â€Å"Internet,† and â€Å"telephone† would have meant nothing two short centuries ago. The word â€Å"silhouette† only came into existence after the French Minister of Finance under Louis XV, Etienne de Silhouette, began decorating his office with cheap, black paper cutouts. Back then, the word was associated with stinginess, as the people felt oppressed by the strict financial measures he set on the French in order to replenish the treasury, which had suffered as a result of wars with Britain and Prussia. 2 Today, however, the word is often used to described stylish, chic products, and can be found on cars like the Oldsmobile Silhouette, and shoes, such as Silhouette, a Dutch shoe store. As culture develops, language, too, must evolve to accommodate the new changes as people feel the need to identify objects and feelings with words. A person’s way of utilizing language can also tell a lot about his/her cultural background. For someone raised in a normal urban environment, the word â€Å"Negro† will have a very meaning as opposed to the individual who had grown up in the Ku Klux Klan. For the urban New Yorker, â€Å"Negro† would be a derogatory and offensive term that should never be used. For the Klan member, however, the term would equate to â€Å"ignorant and degraded and altogether sold to the devil. † Likewise, the word â€Å"woman† could be considered a derogatory insult depending on the context it is used in. For many women in this modern era, if a man were to say â€Å"Hey woman, get over here and help me with this,† it would warrant the man getting a slap across the face, because it not only is insulting, but also reminds women of the days when they were considered inferior to men. This attitude exists particularly in Western culture where women are considered equal to men (even still, discrepancies exist, particularly in positions of power and politics). In many Islamic countries, however, this kind of deprecating behavior towards women is acceptable to the point that a woman basically becomes her husband’s property. Calling someone â€Å"hey woman† would certainly not be regarded as derogatory or insulting by the majority of the people in these countries (e. g. Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan). For the women there, such behavior is acceptable because it is tolerated within their culture. The word itself is simply another label that describes who they are. In a culture that believes that women are inferior to men, sexism towards women in language would be common. Three centuries ago, the same attitude would hold true in Western civilizations as few women could hope to rise above the system and hold a position other than that of a housewife. It had been a belief that too much learning for women would result in â€Å"evil. † Thus, women often obtained an education only to the third grade level. Since society had deemed this acceptable and even necessary back then, calling someone â€Å"woman† would not be as offensive as it would be today. Though the word has remained unchanged, the connotation it carries differs greatly as a result in cultural changes. The number of languages one knows also reflects on the level of cultural awareness one has. The more languages one knows, the more likely it is he/she will have a deeper sense of the various cultures that exist in the world. Being bilingual in Chinese and English, I am able to understand Chinese culture better than someone who does not know the language because my view of the Chinese culture and traditions is subject only to my own interpretation, rather than that of a tour guide, publisher, author or another individual. As stated previously, it is impossible to translate everything word for word and thus certain phrases can only be communicated effectively in the original language, yet such expressions are often imperative to further understand a culture. For example, the words â€Å"Long live the people of the world† appear on the Tiananmen gate in Beijing. To translate it literally, however, the same phrase would be â€Å"May the people of the world live for 10,000 years. † Though the general meaning is the same, slight differences still exist. Language and culture are inextricably linked in defining an individual, society and nation. Without one, the other would cease to exist as we know it. Simply by listening to the language, or even a dialect, a person speaks, one can often tell a lot about their cultural background. Generally speaking, the Californian accent shows that the person is most likely laid back and easy going, while the Southern drawl may depict a person’s tendency to take things slowly. As it would be unlikely to find a member of the social elite speaking Ebonics (Black English), it would be safe to assume that the individual who speaks the dialect is from an urban environment, and is culturally aware of the urban scene. Just as Trueba had states, there is no division at which language ends and culture begins, as they continue in a cycle with one completing the other. In order to understand ourselves better, we must first understand our heritage, which is composed largely of language and culture. To find a definite distinction between the two would be impossible and would call for a change to language and culture as we presently know it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Kantian and Utilitarian Essay

Kant believed in an absolute moral law that he called the Categorical Imperative. It is this imperative that determines our duty. (2) Two formulations of this imperative can be used to determine the morally correct action that Alistair should choose. The first formulation, The Formula of Universal Law: â€Å"Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law [of nature]. â€Å"(2) Alistair has two possible maxims to act upon. These maxims, if it were universally applicable, are: â€Å"Anyone may lie in order to promote increasing human welfare† and â€Å"Everyone always tells the truth†. The first maxim is contradictory. If people had the option to lie, it negates the system of trust on which the world is built. When, for example, I put my money in the bank, I trust them to keep it safe. If the first maxim was universally accepted, I could not trust without reservation that the bank would keep my money safe because they would be able to give my money away if they felt it would increase the welfare of those less fortunate. If this was the case, there would be widespread mistrust and, ironically, it would have a negative impact on human welfare. The second maxim is universally applicable and is thus, according to Kant, the maxim on which to act upon. The second formulation, The Formula of the End in Itself: â€Å"So act as to treat humanity, both in your own person, and in the person of every other, always at the same time as an end, never simply as a means. †(2) If Alistair were to withhold the truth about the bribery, he denies the rationality of the board and denies that there is any rational action for them to perform. He denies them the option to rationally make a decision on what to do about the situation. In doing this he is using the board merely as a means to ensure the delivery of the medicine. According to Kant, for Alistair to use the board as a means in themselves, he would have to tell the truth. According to Kant’s theory, the action of ignoring the bribe fails the first and second formulation of the Categorical Imperative, thus the right thing to do would be to tell the truth to the board of directors. Utalitarian Theory Looking back at the case study it is clear that, on the one hand, people are receiving inexpensive kits of medicine, the drivers don’t get shot and the reputation of the relief organisation and the director is still intact. On the other hand, the board doesn’t know about the bribery, thus the unethical activity cannot be put to a stop. Utilitarianism is a theory based on consequences, not the action leading to the consequence. This theory holds that we should choose those actions that would result in the greatest amount of good in the interest of the greatest number of people affected by our actions. 1)(4) The â€Å"good† is anything that, directly or indirectly, brings happiness or pleasure. (4) The consequences of each particular action is considered to determine which outcome will best serve the greater good. (3) Act Utilitarianism prescribes that every situation be evaluated independently. The action that leads to the greatest net outcome of utility is then c onsidered to be the correct choice. According to this theory, Alistair should choose the action that will maximise happiness and minimise unhappiness. Alistair has two possible choices with two different consequences. The first is that Alistair tells the truth about the bribery. The possible outcome of his choice are the following: the drivers stop receiving cash and get shot, the contract is terminated and the less fortunate stop receiving their medicine, the director in charge of the contract is fired, and the relief organisation suffers great embarrassment. These are all negative effects and cause great unhappiness. On the other hand, the happiness of the board is increased because they can put a stop to more unethical activity. The second choice that Alistair has to consider is to keep silent and overlook the bribe. This would lead to the situation staying the same (as stated in the case study) and would secure the happiness of the greater good which include: the director, the relief organisation, the drivers and the people receiving the medicine. The board of directors would not know about the bribe, so there would be no unhappiness to consider. Considering the consequences of both actions, the happiness of the greater good is maximised when Alistair keeps silent.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Appearance vs. Reality, Hamlet

In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the main theme of the play is appearance versus reality. The characters within the play appear to be sincere and honourable when in reality they are corrupt and immoral. Many of the characters within the play illustrate this concept. When looking at them from behind a mask they give the impression of a person who is genuine and honest, but in reality they are plagued with lies and despicable behaviour. Four of the main characters that attempt to deceive Hamlet by hiding behind this mask are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and King Claudius. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are two of Hamlets childhood friends who are not as they appear. They are asked by the King and Gertrude to spy on Hamlet in order to find the reason behind Gertrude’s â€Å"too much changed son† (II. ii. 36). They give the appearance of being Hamlet’s friend, yet in reality, the pair only came to Elsinore because they were summoned. Surprised by his friends’ unexplained arrival, Hamlet questions what has brought them there. Rosencrantz lies when responding â€Å"To visit you my lord, no other occasion† (II. i. 266). Hamlet instantly sees through their lies and insists â€Å"you were sent for, and there / is a kind of confession in your looks†¦I know the good king and / queen have sent for you† (II. ii. 273-276). Knowing that his so-called friends are lying about the purpose of their visit, Hamlet discloses nothing to them. Having gotten no answers for the King, the two were asked to go to Hamlet once more an d continue to seek the real reason for Hamlet’s behaviour. Hamlet has little patience since being lied to and reveals to the pair that he is aware that they are spies and saying to them: [Y]ou would play upon me, you would seem to know my stops, you would pluck out the heart of my mystery, .. Call me what Instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me. † (III. iii. 343-350) Although appearing to be Hamlet’s friends, he quickly sees that in actuality, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are only trying to pry him for information. The King’s royal associate, Polonius, plays an important role in developing the theme. He’s constantly keeping up the facade of a concerned and caring individual. Polonius appears to be a good father, and honourable man. Upon learning that his son is going to France, he gives several pieces of advice to Laertes, in particular â€Å"This above all, to thine own self be true† (II. iii. 78). He gives advice in order to appear to be a caring father, when in fact he speaks in order to look good rather than to actually be good. Polonius then sends Reynaldo to bring Laertes money but instructs that â€Å"Before you visit him, to make inquire / Of his behaviour† (II. i. 4-5), and then advises him how to be sneaky about it. Throughout the play Polonius conspires with the King on ways to eavesdrop on Hamlet. When Hamlet is going to speak with his mother, Polonius suggests â€Å"Behind the arras I’ll convey myself / To hear the process† (III. iii. 28-29). Polonius acts as if his actions are for the king, when in fact it will benefit him greatly if the reason behind Hamlet’s strange behaviour is because of his love for Ophelia. Polonius also humiliates his daughter Ophelia by forcing her to read love letters from Hamlet aloud to the King and Gertrude. He tells Ophelia that it’s in her own best interest not to keep this secret. His words are those of a loving father, but his actions are quite different. Even though Polonius pretends to be moral and a loving parent, the reality is that he is a devious manipulator. Claudius, the current King of Denmark is the epitome of corruption and immorality although he presents himself to be the rightful king. King Claudius reveals his true maliciousness several times. Claudius only becomes King of Denmark after murdering his brother and marrying his sister-in-law Gertrude in an incestuous marriage. When speaking of his brothers’ death, he justifies the speedy marriage to Gertrude while appearing to have the kingdom’s best interest at heart when explaining â€Å"That we with wisest sorrow think on him / Together with remembrance of ourselves† (I. ii. 6-7). In actuality, Claudius acts out of greed to become king and out of lust for Gertrude. Claudius demeans Hamlet several times throughout the play. While Hamlet is grieving his father’s death, the heartless king requests â€Å"We pray you throw to earth / This unprevailing woe† (I. ii. 106-107), showing his deplorable behaviour by referring to Hamlet’s grief as useless. King Claudius shows his true maliciousness during his final act of manipulation. The king appeals to Laertes guilt and convinces him to kill Hamlet to avenge his father’s death by â€Å"A sword unbated, and in pass of practice / Requite him for your father† (IV. vii. 137-138). King Claudius’s selfish and despicable behaviour leads to the death of all those he had pretended to care for at one point or another: Gertrude, Hamlet, and Laertes. This final act of vengeance brings about the beginning of the end for the entire royal family. While proving that appearances can be deceiving, the characters help to develop the theme of appearance versus reality in the play. While Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and King Claudius all appear to be virtuous and honest people, the reality is that they are continually scheming and plotting against Hamlet. Although appearing to be respectable, each of them is actually tainted by evil and corruption. Unfortunately, Hamlet finds out the hard way that each of them have their own hidden agendas, and corruption spreads like disease throughout the state of Denmark.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final paper - Essay Example The destruction of Qing dynasty in 1911 put seeds for the economic development of modern China. All the administrations followed by the Qing dynasty played their own part in making China in its present form. The economic progress of China during post Qing dynasty period can be classified into many stages. Leaders like Sun Yat Sen, Chiang Kai Shek, The nationalist era, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiao Peng etc played their roles effectively in restructuring and streamlining the Chinese economic growth back on track. Foreign policies and international relations of China are also debatable. Even the leaders of the same communist regime adopted different foreign policies. But the basic purpose of such policies were aimed at the economic progress of China rather than anything else. Sun assumed power immediately after the destruction of Qing dynasty, but forced to resign in 1912 because of his differences with the Nationalist party and the government. But he was successful in regaining the power in 1923 and worked hard for revival of the Chinese economy. He has received immense political, economical and moral supports from USSR. â€Å"Sun summarized his policies in the Three Principles of the People--nationalism, democracy, and socialism† (Chinese Cultural Studies). Sun was a great admirer of Soviet Union and the socialist policies implemented in Soviet Union. He made every conscious effort to plant a Soviet model of economic growth in China. At the same time he was aware of the value of democracy and nationalism in promoting economic growth in China. He never tried to rule China with iron fist unlike the communist regime at present. The Qing dynasty has destroyed the Chinese economy because of their dictatorship and visionless policies. Sun Yat Sen, the father of modern China can be considered as the first person who worked hard for the revival of Chinese economy after 1911. After the death of Sun Yat Sen in 1925, Chiang Kai Shek assumed power and continued

IKEA Business Ethics Dilemma Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

IKEA Business Ethics Dilemma - Case Study Example Thus, the main dilemma is how to respond to consumer's social demands and expectations and meet social responsibility in marketing. For IKEA, consumer citizens are pressuring business to achieve higher levels of social and ethical responsibility. Why should corporations, and especially marketers, respond to these new demands Part of the answer lies in business concern with the "threat" of more governmental regulation. This is the argument which goes, "If we don't, government will" (Singer 12). But part of the reason why business is moving to higher levels of social performance is to be found in consideration of the ethics of the situation. Socially responsible behavior on the part of the firm can be justified by standards of rightness as well as of economics and the law. It may be sound business practice, as well as morally right, for a marketer to attempt to meet socially responsible performance standards. The pressures imply the development of rules and standards by which business actions may be judged as "right" or "wrong". In other words, ethical decisions under free enterprise are "moral decisions", impelle d by social sanctions, but modified by economics and environmental requirements (Velasquez 45). The growing professionalism in marketing is also stimulating the development and acceptance of pervasive "socially conscious" standards of ethics. Some insights into the changing social and ethical responsibilities of marketing are explored (O'Neill & Hern 129; IKEA Home Page 2008). In IKEA, expenditure of time and resources on such issues is still regarded by some managers as wasteful or as time spent on peripheral issues. However, allocating resources to such issues is no longer a matter of option. These questions are not on the periphery of corporate planning, but an inescapable part of corporate planning and concern. The partial answers existing in accounting-economics terms do not satisfy growing concern with the corporation as a means to a social end--improving the quality of life. The quality of life issue is the major problem confronting business now (Singer 17). Meeting the issue will require management commitment and time, will be costly, and frustrating, but necessary. Corporate presidents can expect to spend more time on the quality of life issues--on consumer/environmental and social concerns--than their predecessors. Management's new task is to balance traditional profit and rate of returns on investment criteria with new definitions of social cost s, social purpose, and social conscience (O'Neill & Hern 129). The starting point for socioindustrial progress analysis is not to be found in corporate traditions or corporate history or even industrial history. The starting point is to relate social progress of the corporation to national goals and to the social indicators being developed to evaluate the attainment of these goals (Velasquez 32). This approach sounds like socialism to some. It is not. Social progress was once considered to be a national by-product of economic progress. Society believed that social progress was achieved through continued economic growth and progress. The accumulation of material wealth and affluence is no longer automatically equated with social progress by a growing number of influential Americans. Public

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational Behavior & Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Behavior & Leadership - Essay Example Employee 1 therefore works even during the weekends in order to try to get the bonus. This type of power makes the performance of individuals start going down due to the extreme pressure and stress they encounter. Legitimate power is the power that an individual acquires as a result of the position he or she is in. The individual’s decisions are therefore based on that power and cannot be questioned. The marketing manager of employee 1 exercises the legitimate power accorded to him as a result of his position as a manager to make employees work more than the forty hours stipulated. The manager of employee 3 also uses his power to make employee 3 a team leader. Referent power is the one possessed by an individual that makes others want to be like him or her and be similar to the individual. In the company’s situation, employer 3 has referent power and it is evident by the way his fellow colleagues want to be like him and be similar to him and therefore emulate all the decisions made by him. This type of power motivates the other employees and in the long run performance improves in the organization and so does the interrelationship between the employees and employer. The other base of power is the expert power. This power is exercised by an individual who has knowledge and skills in a particular area and he or she knows that people need the expertise. In this case, employee 2 has this sort of power because he is the only certified public accountant in the organization and therefore uses this to make the rules that about his work schedule and the manager has to comply. The individual may misuse this power since they know the target have no other alternative. The last is the reward power where an individual holds this power based on reinforcing or promises to reinforce the target group. The manager of employer 1 has this power due to the fact that he promises a reward at the end of the year to the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Final Report and Ratios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final Report and Ratios - Essay Example ive when compared to that of Lowe’s. Total debt ratio is more than 1 in the year 2009 and 2008 for Home depot but it’s less than 1 for Lowe’s in the year 2009 and 2008, which suggests that in case of liquidation, shareholders will be left with nothing in case of Home Depot as debt holders would be paid first. Lowe’s also has a better cover for the interest payables, as the times interest earned ratio which stands at 10.93 is far ahead when compared to that of Home Depot which stands at only 6.89. Lowe’s cash conversion is of particular significance because the operating profit attributable to shareholders is converted into cash, which could be paid to investors without affecting the business, more efficiently and effectively when compared to that of Home Depot. References Home Depot Annual Report, 31 January 2010, Web site: Lowe’s Annual Report, 31 January 2010, Web site:

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Piano Concerto No. 17 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Piano Concerto No. 17 - Essay Example Afterwards, von Ployer was joined by Mozart in a performance of the Sonata for Two Pianos, K. 448.The finale is a set of variations on what Alfred Einstein has described as a birdlike theme and there is indeed a tale that Mozart's own starling whistled the tune.In his early Vienna years, Mozart met Joseph Haydn and the two composers became friends. When Haydn visited Vienna, they sometimes played together in an impromptu string quartet. Mozart's six quartets dedicated to Haydn (K. 387, K. 421, K. 428, K. 458, K. 464, and K. 465) date from 1782-85, and are often judged to be his response to Haydn's Opus 33 set from 1781. In a letter to Haydn, Mozart wrote: A father who had decided to send his sons out into the great world thought it his duty to entrust them to the protection and guidance of a man who was very celebrated at the time, and who happened moreover to be his best friend. In the same way I send my six sons to you... Please then, receive them kindly and be to them a father, guide, and friend!... I entreat you, however, to be indulgent to those faults which may have escaped a father's partial eye, and in spite of them, to continue your generous friendship towards one who so highly appreciates it."[4] Haydn was soon in awe of Mozart, and when he first heard the last three of Mozart's series he told Leopold, "Before God and as an honest man I tell you that your son is the greatest composer known to me either in person or by name: He has taste, and, furthermore, the most profound knowledge of composition." Mozart's music, like Haydn's, stands as an archetypal example of the Classical style. His works spanned the period during which that style transformed from one exemplified by the style galant to one that began to incorporate some of the contrapuntal complexities of the late Baroque, complexities against which the galant style had been a reaction. Mozart's own stylistic development closely paralleled the development of the classical style as a whole. In addition, he was a versatile composer and wrote in almost every major genre, including symphony, opera, the solo concerto, chamber music including string quartet and string quintet, and the piano sonata. While none of these genres were new, the piano concerto was almost single-handedly developed and popularized by Mozart. He also wrote a great deal of religious music, including masses; and he composed many dances, divertimenti, serenades, and other forms of light entertainment. The central traits of the classical style can all be identified in Mozart's music. Clarity, balance, and transparency are hallmarks, though a simplistic notion of the delicacy of his music obscures for us the exceptional and even demonic power of some of his finest masterpieces, such as the Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor, K. 491, the Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550, and the opera Don Giovanni. The famed writer on music Charles Rosen has written (in The Classical Style): "It is only through recognizing the violence and sensuality at the center of Mozart's work that we can make a start towards a comprehension of his structures and an insight into his magnificence. In a paradoxical way, Schumann's superficial characterization of the G minor Symphony can help us to see Mozart's daemon

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The literature of exile and imaginary homelands in salman rushdie, Essay

The literature of exile and imaginary homelands in salman rushdie, bharati mukherjee, and v. s. naipaul - Essay Example The exile is not (he cannot be, he cannot exist) -- at least in the common Western conception of being -- but is rather the sum of competing and contradictory forces that play out over the surface of the exiles being, without ever constituting a rigid and single edifice. If the exile can be said to have a "being" at all, then, it can only be understood to be one that is based on the formation of certain circumstances, of history, of discourse, of culture--what Walter Benjamin might have called a "constellation."1 However, these very structures--history, discourse, culture--can no longer be considered looming edifices of constitutive control and hegemonic power, after the experience of the exile as portrayed in these novels they lose some of their force. For the strange logic of the exile invades these structrues too, works within them too, and they (the structures), like the exile, cannot be considered single, unitary, or stable. The exile steals from them their authority by the power of his or her interruption. The exile too follow this logic and the structure which both pervades the exiled individual, and which gives him or her the power for resistance. In the preceding analyses of the writings of Salman Rushdie, Bharati Mukherjee, and V. S. Naipaul, I have attempted to chart the trajectory of the logic of the exile as it passes through their writing. I have tried to put into the words (however problematically) the flow of constitution and dissolution that occurs on the boundary of both language and self, and which is what forms the particular literary power of these writers, and determines their placement as writers of the post-colonial situation. Now, in this conclusion, I would like to situate these various writers back into a dialogue with both the theory and practice of post-colonial scholarship, and attempt to see precisely how the various movements within and between the six texts that I have concentrated upon play themselves out against the wider background of the post-colonial situation. Perhaps more importantly, I wish to cement the argument I speculatively began in the preceding chapters that these three writers, though extremely different in matters of style, material, and/or execution, all present a seriously radical answer to the malaise that the post-colonial situation presents. They are certainly not, as some critics have presented them, writers who have benefited from the comforts of exile, and have been accepted into the mainstream of their chosen land (for Naipaul, England; for Mukherjee, the United States; for Rushdie, England and the United States ) unproblematically. None of them are conservative, nor are they apolitical. However, they do come to the notion of a post-colonial politics with a new mode of functioning and from a new place of departure. Their politics is not of the old kind, but of a markedly new and total aspect: the target of their revolutionary destruction cannot be put in such simple terms as party, nation or racial groups. Let us consider the various kinds of exile that make up the cast of characters within Midnight's Children, The Satanic Verses, Jasmine, The Holder of the World, The Mimic Men, and The Enigma of Arrival. In all cases these novels concentrate on the personal nature of the central character's exile. In

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ARISTOTLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ARISTOTLE - Essay Example Wealth itself is a neutral entity, if used properly can be a boon, if mishandled can turn into a bane. Its usage depends on the kind of people who possess it and their intention and actions how they utilize them. In such circumspect it is the mark of a noble man to spend than desire to save and possess that makes him a gentleman. This in return earns them praise, accolades and soft corners in different sections. Virtue is a painless act, rather a peace earning act which blesses the soul. Righteous individual would leave less to him and give more to others. The degree to which an individual gives away with respect to self earnings and self possession hold more ground than one who may possess more yet donate and give away less. Without regard for self accumulation if the donation is given away, it holds more ground than any other case of noble intention. Richness in true sense in one when one gives away rather than possession of material goods. The consideration of giving away to the r ight kind and right type is also a very important factor. It must be ensured that the recipients are fully worthy of it and deserve to be granted in the name of charity and virtue. The timings of donation and give away are also vital, since small donations in time of need are more valuable than large donations at time when they are least needed. This noble realization establishes a sense of self scrutiny in an individual and restricts him to the righteous path only. Source of donation and earning is also a factor determinant of noble cause. Spend thrift and miserliness is a double evil element, and imbalances of either extreme poles, one serving for deprived livings and lifestyle, while the other stands as extra lavish spending which in other words is wastage of resources and elements. While spend thrift is termed as outer bound, miserliness is a least bound below the nominal line on which the activities should be undertaken. These two factors are not mutually inclusive and may occu r as a contrasting element with one occurring at a time only (Kass ,151). However, spend thrift is at times given the edge and goes pass the radar unnoticed for at least he contributes in a certain way, while the miser individual in no measure contributes what so ever. Certain factors are highlighted which may bring the spend thrift individual to a desired and ordered border line zone. These factors can be that of loss of pecuniary element or the souring of digits in the life span column. The miser is deemed as sheer ignoble and despicable only because he does not contribute in any way, does not yearn to solve the troubles of people, nor does he take any concrete action to help the downtrodden, underprivileged section of society who through may be faced with the turbulent circumstances. Yet the spend thrift cannot be exempted and they do stand nearly guilty as the misers for their sources may not be genuine and may have come from a source that are not preached by the book, ethics an d laws. The diminishing of their own armory possessions lead them to adopting means which are against the rules and against the grain of noble man. These two serve as deviances and detraction from the desired path line. This can be mended through guidance, counseling, and right path determination and instruction along with the sense of benevolence and mankind welfare

The Parable of the Old Man and the Young Essay Example for Free

The Parable of the Old Man and the Young Essay The Parable of the Old Man and the Young is a short poem written by Wilfred Owen in 1920, As the title mentions, the poem is a parable. It is generally accepted that the old man, Abram, represents the European nations or more probably their governments, the first view of the poem is that it is heavily based on the story Abram (Genesis 22:1-18), where Abram is told to sacrifice his son. In the story, as he was about to sacrifice his son as an offering to God, an angel comes down and tells him to stop and to sacrifice a lamb instead. He does as hes told and makes a covenant with God saying that Abram will be the Father of a new nation. But the twist in this poem is that when Abram is told by the angel to stop, he doesnt and kills his son. But the old man would not so, but slew his son,/And half the seed of Europe, one by one. The author also manages to include metaphors and symbolisms referring to a war. Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps, /and builded parapets and trenches there. This quote is clearly depicting an image of Isaac going unwillingly to war with the parapets and trenches. When lo! an angel called him out of heaven,/ Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the lad,/ Neither do anything to him. Behold,/ A ram, caught in a thicket by its horns;/ Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him. The quote symbolizes that all that all Abram has to do is give up his pride and not send his son Isaac to the gruesome war. But the old man would not so, but slew his son,/ And half the seed of Europe, one by one. I believe that Abram represents the government of Europe, drafting the people (Isaac) to go to their doom in war. Along with the rest of the population of Europe to die at war, heartlessly and without any regret all the government had to do was give up their pride. Probably Europe lost the war. The last two lines are the only ones that rhyme, and the image they paint is chilling: an old man methodically killing the seed of Europe. It is mainly the power of this image, set out in the poem and culminating in the last two lines, that makes it haunting. Recruiting Recruiting is a poem written by E. A. Mackintosh, who served in World War 1 until 1917 were he was killed at the Somme. Mackintosh’s poem is very bitter, heavily sarcastic and he aims to send a message to the people back in England who pressure young men to go to war. The first word in the poem is â€Å"Lads† suggests youth and innocence, which contrasts how Mackintosh sees the people who set up the campaign as the â€Å"fat civilians† which shows emphasises of how these people could not fight the war themselves. The second stanza the poet supports how the â€Å"fat civilians† could not fight by quoting them saying â€Å"Could go and fight the Hun† Knowing they will never be in danger of doing anything of the sort as they â€Å"thank God they are over fourty one† The poet also attacks the shallow girls who are often seen as the reasons why men went off to die, to please them. The girls are said to have feathers because they would give them to men who hadn’t joined up as a sign of cowardice. The songs are â€Å"vulgar songs† meaning they have little real emotion, they are shallow and crude. After the third stanza Mackintosh speaks of what the recruiting posters should say if they are honest: â€Å"the real picture of â€Å"shivering in the morning dew† and killing people â€Å"like yourselves. † Which is a frequent theme that the Mackintosh wants the reader to know that the German soldiers were ordinary men just like them. Mackibtosh also attacks the journalists as he belives that they like the war because the casualties give them something to talk about, this is shown in the line â€Å"Help o keep them nicee and safe† which is really bitter aimed at those who would send young men to die to protect their own comfort but who would do nothing about it themselves. The last line â€Å"Lad’s you’re wanted – out you go. † Ends with a dismissive phrase after the dash to show how eagerly the civilians wanted the soldiers to go.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Diagram of Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System Essay Example for Free

Diagram of Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System Essay Figure 2.0: Context Diagram of Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System The figure 2.0 represents the two (2) users of the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System namely the Administrator and the Professor. The Administrator entity shows the capability to access the system; manage account by modifying account’s profile; managing member’s account such as creating new user profile and updating user profile; importing student list; creation of grade criteria; generating students grade report and updating website contents. The Professor entity shows the capability on accessing the system; managing account profile; importing student list; defining grade template for grading computation and generating student’s grade. Figure 3.0: First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of Administrator’s Capabilities The figure 3.0 represents the First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator upon successfully logging-in into the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System. He/she has the capabilities to manage modules such as handling member’s account, importing students list, creation of grade criteria, grade computation and updating website contents Figure 3.1: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Managing Account for Administrator The figure 3.1 shows the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator on managing members account wherein he/she has the capability to create account’s profile for new professor or associate. He/she also capable on updating existing member account. Figure 3.2: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Import Student List, Create Criteria, Grading and Website Modules for Administrator Figure 3.2 shows the continuation of the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator. Upon successfully accessing the system, he/she has the capability to import students list and create criteria template to be use for the student’s grade computations. The Administrator also has the  capibility to change or update website contents from client’s discretion. Figure 4.0: First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram for Professor’s Capabilities In the Figure 4.0 shown above, it represents the First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of Professor in the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System. Same with the Administrator user, the Professor also have the capabilities to update own account profile, import student lists and generate student’s grade summary. Figure 4.1: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Managing Account, Import Student Lists and Compute Grade Modules for Professor Figure 4.1 shown above presents the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Professor upon successfully logging-in into the system. Same with the Administrator user, the Professor is also capable on modifying and updating account profile; importing student list; defining grade criteria template and generate grade summary of students.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Impact did the Conquest have on Aztec Society?

What Impact did the Conquest have on Aztec Society? The discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492 was the catalyst for change that had been long awaited in European society. After hundreds of years of living in Asias shadow, the sun was finally rising over Europe and their newly conquered land. But we mustnt forget that the New World was not necessarily new to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. By the time Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s arrived in Mexico, the Aztecs had already established a society that had been successfully functioning for many years, complete with a teeming capital that rivaled European cities. However, the Spanish were able to decapitate their society and permanently change it. Simultaneously, they were able change the way society functioned in their homeland in Europe. But how did the Spanish accomplish the conquest of the Aztec Empire and what happened after they did? The discovery and conquest of the Aztec empire, while beneficial to European society in both the New and Old World, leaves Aztec societ y decapitated and virtually unrecognizable The fall of the Aztec empire to Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s and his army was the necessary first step in controlling this area of the Americas. Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s, a Spaniard on an unsanctioned expedition landed on the coast of Mexico in early1519, was searching for the rumored gold and great cities of Mexico.  [1]  He arrived in the city of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, later that year.  [2]  At this time in the early 16th century, Tenochtitlan was one of the largest cities in the world, boasting a population of over 200,000 people.  [3]  According to records, the Spanish were dazzled by the city and had never seen anything like it before.  [4]  The Aztec empire as a whole, run by an emperor named Montezuma, had authority over 5 million people in the area that is now known as Mexico.  [5]  Cortà ©s first attempt to conquer the Aztecs failed miserably and he was quickly forced to retreat. However, he returned in 1521with indigenous allies from surroundi ng areas and was able to decapitate their society. He did this by exploiting cultural and political weaknesses of the empire. First of all, the Aztecs were not accustomed to traditional European warfare. Their fighting had always been ceremonial, not for bloodshed. The Europeans were merciless in their efforts to conquer the empire. Secondly, Cortà ©s disrupts the political structure of the empire very quickly by defeating Montezuma. The Aztecs were highly dependent upon their hierarchal structure, and without an emperor, they were unable to effectively organize resistance.  [6]  They were left in a state of chaos and were finally forced to surrender to the conquistadors after 3 months of warfare.  [7]  For the Aztecs, this surrender to the Spanish meant the permanent loss of their political and cultural society. The Spanish did not just deal a mortal blow to the political structure and culture of Tenochtitlan; they also wiped thousands of its residents off the face of the planet. This, however, was not intentional. The Aztecs had never been exposed to European diseases such as influenza and smallpox, and therefore were extremely susceptible to these illnesses. Smallpox was particularly contagious and deadly. Using the Spaniards as a vessel, it killed over 80 percent, which was approximately 11 million people, of the original population of Tenochtitlan.  [8]  It is difficult to fathom how the Aztecs felt as they watched millions of people die around them in an inexplicable manner. The psychological effect was inevitably devastating.  [9]  This demographic collapse further weakened the empire and left it more susceptible to European control and exploitation. If the destruction of the political structure had not been enough to conquer the Aztec Empire, such an overwhelming loss of the o riginal population did. The fall of the Aztec empire, while a devastation to its indigenous people, was a significant achievement for Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s and his army of conquistadors. After bringing Tenochtitlan to the ground, the Europeans assumed the responsibility of power in the area, which meant they needed to construct a new legal framework. Spains new viceroyalty was appropriately named New Spain and its capital was called Mexico City.  [10]  The Spanish crown appointed Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s governor and established a system much like feudalism that had been seen in earlier European society. In the encomienda system, conquistadors were given land and labor, and in return they had to house the indigenous people and provide them with a Christian education.  [11]  This system did not work as effectively as originally planned. Since the Spanish crown was across the ocean, it was not able to enforce the system. In many cases, the Spanish treated the Aztecs as slaves. In hopes of expanding European society into the area, the indigenous people ultimately lost their religion, their culture, their freedom, and their dignity under this system. Promoting religion in the New World was not only a way for Europeans to legitimize their conquests, but it was a way for them to spread their ideas and exert control in the New World.  [12]  Former religious institutions of the Aztec Empire were considered blasphemy to the Spanish Christians, and by 1521 the Spanish had destroyed 600 temples and 20,000 idols. Outnumbered, the indigenous peoples adopted Christianity without much hesitation.  [13]  The Spanish did make efforts to incorporate Aztecan aspects into the new religious society. They allowed indigenous peoples to be a part of the administrative structure of the church. They also replaced traditional church costumes with Spanish garments.  [14]  Just like in Europe, Christianity became an integral part of society in New Spain. Back in the old world, people heard stories of the magnificent conquest of Mexico and developed a desire to go to the New World. This was a good thing, especially following the depletion of 80% of the original population of Tenochtitlan (lecture).  [15]  This introduction of people from the old world created a society of new ethnic diversity. There were the two original groups of people: the Spanish and the indigenous Aztecs. From the earliest interactions between these groups, Spanish males and Aztecan women bred and created a new breed of people called the mestizo (Darwin 64). The Spanish eventually introduced African slaves into society as a source of labor, and they bred with the Spanish and the Aztecs to and developed the mulatto community (Darwin 64).  [16]  This interbreeding created a hierarchal society based upon race, with the Spanish whites, or criolles on top. The new creole society in New Spain was a direct consequence of the European conquest of Aztec society, f or it never would have transpired without them. The Spanish encountered a plethora of new resources in New Spain, but the one good they valued above all others was mineral wealth. The presence of gold and silver in the New World was one of the strongest factors that encouraged colonization (Darwin 63). The discovery of huge supplies of silver at Zacatecas in the Mexico area impacted the New World, the Old World, and beyond (Darwin 63).  [17]  Firstly, it allowed for the development of technologies. Silver has to be purified when it is mined, and the mercury required for purification came from Iberia and Croatia. The lighting in the silver mines is provided by candles made from the fat of cattle. Labor comes from the indigenous inhabitants. When the bullion is shipped over to Europe, it truly makes a huge impact on society. A radical increase in monetization is seen. (lecture)  [18]  . When Asians hear of this, they demand that they become a part of trade. It changed the way in which the Europeans interacted with the Asians . Prior to this, the Europeans tiptoed around the edges of the Asian continent and were seen as nothing but pests. (Darwin pg 59).  [19]  Silver becomes the first truly global commodity. The discovery of silver allows for European expansion into the east and the west, impacting the societies of Europe, Asia, and the Aztecs simultaneously. We mustnt forget how the conquest of the Aztec Empire influenced society across the Atlantic Ocean in the Old World. The discovery of the Americas as a whole challenged the worldviews of European society and exposed them to new natural history and geography. Maps played a major role in 16th century Europe. During this century we see the emergence of the Waldseemuller maps in 1507, which have become known as the birth certificate of America (exhibit).  [20]  Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s also creates a map, this one of his conquered city of Tetnochtitlan. He sends it to Europe and it becomes the first depiction Europeans see of their newly acquired land. And, according to scholar Barbara E. Mundy, the map assumed a symbolic function in supporting Cortà ©ss just conquest of the Amerindian empire. (article)  [21]  In addition to maps, books and art became popular ways of depicting the New World for those who lived thousands of miles away. Bernal Diaz del Castillo, an infantry man of Cort à ©s, wrote about his adventures in New Spain. He tells the story of myself and my comrades, all true conquerors, who served His Majesty in the discovery, conquest, pacification, and settlementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦of New Spain (exhibit).  [22]  This collection of anecdotes is a classic, even today. The maps, books, and paintings that came from the Old World painted a picture of the New World for European society, enriching their knowledge and enhancing their worldviews. In discussing the impact of the discovery and conquest of the Aztec empire on both American and European societies, one must understand that Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s and his conquistadors ultimately destroyed a once flourishing and dazzling Aztec Empire in hopes of expanding that of the Europeans. This was very clearly a win-lose situation that favored the Europeans. The once great Aztec society was quickly robbed of its culture, religion, and a large majority of its indigenous peoples, and was left with no hope of regaining it. Ultimately, there was no Aztec society left after 1521. It was merely a new European society founded upon the skeleton of the former empire. After the decapitation of the Aztecs, the conquistadors brought in their religion and new political structure and imposed it upon the few remaining indigenous peoples. Tecnotichlan became virtually unrecognizable, both by name and by the new creole society. Back in Europe, the continent was benefitting from the knowledge and goods brought back from the New World. As tragic as the situation may sound for the Aztecs, discoveries and conquests like this happened quite frequently during this time period. It should not be forgotten that Europeans, while an emerging dominant world power during this time period, did not necessarily get there by honest and diplomatic means.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

High Stakes Testing Essay -- Education School Standardized Tests Essay

High Stakes Testing Albert Einstein once stated, â€Å"not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.† High-stakes testing attempts to determine the knowledge a person has obtained throughout grades K-12. These standardized tests are being used to judge a person’s ability to graduate from high school and also judge if a child has enough knowledge to proceed to the next grade level. Throughout this paper, I will be discussing how these tests do not accurately portray one’s intelligence, how they have increased drop out rates, and also show the damaging psychological affects they have had. High stakes testing does not accurately determine a student’s intelligence. In 1999, the National Academy of Sciences researched the appropriate and inappropriate uses of tests. They agreed that â€Å"no single test score can be considered a definitive measure of a student’s knowledge†( To use these standardized tests to decide if a person has earned his/her diploma is unreasonable, and they have been proven ineffective. The Alliance for Childhood states that, â€Å"the use of standardized tests as the sole measure of whether students are promoted, are placed in low-track classes, or will graduate from high school is condemned as insupportable by every professional testing organization.†(alliance). In Arizona, the AIMS (Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards) test will soon be used in this way; high school seniors in the year 2008 must pass this test to graduate. A study prepared by the Arizona Standards organization states that, â€Å"the Arizona AIMS test, if implemented today, would fail between 50% and 75% of all high s... ... Standards (AIMS). Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: standards/aims/PerformanceStandards/performancelevels.asp 2. Testing and Grade Retention. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 3. High Stakes Testing Position Statement. Alliance for Childhood. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 4. Haney, Walt. The Myth of the Texas Miracle in Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 5. What’s Wrong With High Stakes Testing in General and Aims in Particular? Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: High Stakes Testing Essay -- Education School Standardized Tests Essay High Stakes Testing Albert Einstein once stated, â€Å"not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.† High-stakes testing attempts to determine the knowledge a person has obtained throughout grades K-12. These standardized tests are being used to judge a person’s ability to graduate from high school and also judge if a child has enough knowledge to proceed to the next grade level. Throughout this paper, I will be discussing how these tests do not accurately portray one’s intelligence, how they have increased drop out rates, and also show the damaging psychological affects they have had. High stakes testing does not accurately determine a student’s intelligence. In 1999, the National Academy of Sciences researched the appropriate and inappropriate uses of tests. They agreed that â€Å"no single test score can be considered a definitive measure of a student’s knowledge†( To use these standardized tests to decide if a person has earned his/her diploma is unreasonable, and they have been proven ineffective. The Alliance for Childhood states that, â€Å"the use of standardized tests as the sole measure of whether students are promoted, are placed in low-track classes, or will graduate from high school is condemned as insupportable by every professional testing organization.†(alliance). In Arizona, the AIMS (Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards) test will soon be used in this way; high school seniors in the year 2008 must pass this test to graduate. A study prepared by the Arizona Standards organization states that, â€Å"the Arizona AIMS test, if implemented today, would fail between 50% and 75% of all high s... ... Standards (AIMS). Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: standards/aims/PerformanceStandards/performancelevels.asp 2. Testing and Grade Retention. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 3. High Stakes Testing Position Statement. Alliance for Childhood. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 4. Haney, Walt. The Myth of the Texas Miracle in Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 5. What’s Wrong With High Stakes Testing in General and Aims in Particular? Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

Technological Progress In Computer Industry :: essays research papers

Comparison and contrast essay Technological progress in computer industry. Computer one of the most important and necessary things in our life. There are different tasks that can be performed with computer such as: typing documents, making worksheets, sending mail, just playing with a computer and many others. But all these different tasks would be done better and faster with the Pentium 4 computer than with the Pentium 2 computer. The computer with  «Pentium 4 » chip is better than the computer with  «Pentium 2 » chip. As I’ve already said, different types of tasks can be done better by the more powerful computer. The measure of power or performance among computers is the number of machine cycles done per second. It is usually called cycle speed. The cycle speed is measured in megahertz (abbreviated MHz, which stands for million of cycles per second). Computer with Intel  «Pentium 2 » chips had cycle speed from 200 to 400 MHz, thus they could handle only simple operations like word processing, mail sending and receiving. These computers cannot work even with graphics, because they don’t not have enough power. The recent innovation, Pentium processor, gave the opportunity to work not only with sophisticated word editors, but also with graphics and animation. Pentium enables people to organize tough databases, where records can be found in some seconds. Pentium processor cycle speed is ranging from 600 MHz to 1200 MHz nowadays. Having made all calculations It can be stated that an a verage Pentium 4 with 800 MHz cycle speed is 40 times faster and more powerful than the best computer with Intel Pentium 2 chip and 200 MHz cycle speed. Not only performance makes such a huge gap between these two computers, but also upgradability. Upgradability means that an owner of a computer can easily install a new hardware into a computer or just update the old one. The  «motherboard » of a pentium 2-model computer did not allow to install different internal features, while the  «motherboard » of a Pentium 4 computer did allow to do that. There are lots of hardware types like CD-ROMs, VideoCards, AudioCard, and internal modems, and all these devices can be easily installed into the Pentium 4 computer. The RAM (Random Access Memory) of a Pentium 4 computer can be upgraded up to 2 GB (2 Gigabyte is (2048)3 bytes which makes 1.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ever Heard of Chance Music? :: essays research papers

aleatory music (ā'lēətà ´r'ē) [Lat. alea=dice game], music in which elements traditionally determined by the composer are determined either by a process of random selection chosen by the composer or by the exercise of choice by the performer(s). At the compositional stage, pitches, durations, dynamics, and so forth are made functions of playing card drawings, dice throwings, or mathematical laws of chance, the latter with the possible aid of a computer. Those elements usually left to the performers' discretion include the order of execution of sections of a work, the possible exclusion of such sections, and subjective interpretation of temporal and spatial pitch relations. Also called â€Å"chance music,† aleatory music has been produced in abundance since 1945 by several composers, the most notable being John Cage, Pierre Boulez, and Iannis Xenakis. Aleatoric (or aleatory) music or composition, is music where some element of the composition is left to chance. The term became known to European composers through the lectures which acoustician Werner Meyer-Eppler held at Darmstadt Summer School in the beginning of the fifties. According to his definition, "aleatoric processes are such processes which have been fixed in their outline but the details of which are left to chance". The word alea means "dice" in Latin, and the term has become known as referring to a chance element being applied to a limited number of possibilities, a method employed by European composers who felt more bound than the Americans by tradition and who stressed the importance of compositional control, as opposed to indeterminacy and chance where possibilities tend not to be finite and which is an Anglo-Saxon phenomenon. The term was used by the French composer Pierre Boulez to describe works where the performer was given certain liberties with regard to the order and repetition of parts of a musical work. The term was intended by Boulez to distinguish his work from works composed through the application of chance operations by John Cage and his aesthetic of indeterminacy - see indeterminate music. Other examples of aleatoric music are Klavierstà ¼ck XI by Stockhausen which features a number of elements to be performed in changing sequences and characteristic sequences to be repeated fast, producing a special kind of oscillating sound, in orchestral works of Lutoslawski and Penderecki. An early genre of composition that could be considered a precedent for aleatoric compositions were the Musikalische Wà ¼rfelspiele or Musical Dice Games, popular in the late 18th and early 19th century.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Plato vs Aristotle Essay

Theatre is said to be a performing art that is always changing and whose every performance is unique (Downs 472). While there is a set definition of theatre, there hasn’t been a set reason as to why we do theatre, and many people such as Aristotle and Plato have come to a disagreement as to what that very nature is. However as a Christian I would have to say that I disagree with the philosophy of Plato and do believe that theatre helps open the mind of the viewers to see the world through a whole different lens. Plato argues that theatre should only be allowed if we ensure that it contains only characters that are suitable as role models, because it manipulates the way people think and make them forget who they are (Downs 6-7). However I believe that Plato really didn’t want viewers to see the world as it really was. It’s like Plato along with those who installed these beliefs in him wanted us to see a picture perfect world that didn’t really exist. The sad thing is that to some extent the government still control the way we view things through other entertainment. Plato’s view reminds me of the Christian nature. Take North Central and all their rules, for example. â€Å"Students may not work or attend any event that serves alcohol, students are not permitted to visit any other students of the opposite sex outside of visitation hours, students are only permitted to watch movies rated PG 13 on campus, students aren’t allowed any piercings but ears and nose and if they have any others, it shall be removed, they are only allowed to change their hair to natural colors, and the restrictions of certain websites such as Victoria secret etc, during internet usage (NCU Student Guide). It’s like they are telling us that we can express ourselves in however we choose to, but at the same time putting a line up as to how far we can go and choices as to the only ways we can express ourselves, afraid that how we dress, what we watch, listen to and do is going to stop us from being Christians. But no matter how many rules there are, North Central can’t become this picture perfect place, they can’t hide how life really is and form us into something we are not. I understand that they want to protect us and do what’s best. However hiding how things really are by putting us into a shell only makes things more complicated in the end. According to Webster’s dictionary, a role-model is a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others (Webster Online). Plato said that theatre should only be allowed if they have characters that are role models (Downs 7), but who determines what or who a good role model is? A role model isn’t just one particular type of person. A role model can come in many different forms. Most people look for role models who have been through what they have been through, and overcame obstacles they faced in life that the particular imitator is still trying to overcome. Besides, if Plato suggests that characters act as role models to be able to be in theatre does that mean he didn’t mind if they weren’t role models off stage? Aristotle said â€Å"nature tends towards perfection, but doesn’t always attain it. † We tend to be healthy but become sick, we tend to be non-violent but there’s war, we tend toward love but there is hate. Therefore, we need art and theatre to correct the deficiencies of nature by clarifying, interpreting, and idealizing life (Downs 7). I feel like this is true in so many ways, We tend to try to be perfect in everything that we do that it has in a way became our human nature. There isn’t a need to be perfect, and as a Christian we all know that nobody is and will ever be perfect accept for God. We are all going to make mistakes in everything that we do, but instead of trying to cover up those mistakes, to cover up the flaws in our society to make it seem like we have a this perfect world, why not take the time to learn from them. Theatre gives us the chance to view our world from a different perspective and open our minds to changing the way we go about things and the way we think. Not necessarily in a negative way but a positive way. I don’t think theatre is there to corrupt our minds and make us change who we are completely, but just help us expand on our outlook on life. We go on in life looking at the world as we are and as we see it and get caught up into our on daily lives and think that we are in so much need that we tend to forget those that are in greater need right in front of us. We get so carried away that everyone in a while I have to even stop myself and ask God to help me see things through his perspective and not my own, otherwise majority of time we miss out on what’s important the most. In the bible, 1 Corinthians 9:22 it states, â€Å"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some (NIV Bible). Theatre is there to become what we are in a since, to hopefully reach us at our own level to save us from becoming worse than we are today. Although theatre is not the only thing that shapes us, it is one of the many aspects of life that can help us mode us into who we are, what we do, and how we thing. After I believe God gave us all our individual gifts to become like others so that we are able to be a witness to them and share his message in a way that others will understand. Work Cited Dictionary and Thesaurus – Merriam-Webster Online. Web. 26 Jan. 2011. . Downs, Williams M. , Lou A. Wright, and Erik Ramsey. The Art of Theatre Then and Now. 2nd ed. Boston: Rosenberg, 2010. Print. Downs, Williams M. , Lou A. Wright, and Erik Ramsey. The Art of Theatre Then and Now. 2nd ed. Boston: Rosenberg, 2010. Print. Holy Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007. Print. Student Guide, North Central University, 2010. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Quick Review of the United States Media Ownership Essay

This paper is an avowal that I backup the criticism of McChesney that the coupled States is remotely close to a representative society in terms of the umteen making the core semipolitical decision. umpteen key decisions atomic number 18 the province of the bodied irregulartor and most decision make by the goernment ar influenced by superpowerful special inte peacefulnesss with lower-ranking human beings awareness or input.According to Wellstone, the media is no ordinary channel of communication amid the modulateing and the public (Wellstone, 2008, p. 1). He too affirmed that the media is lifeblood of democracy in the States (Wellstone, 2008, p. 1). It is not denied that without the media, the free flow of signifi fag endt news and randomness relating to the classless dish out will be affected. It will check the classless chain of the demesne and ultimately affect the economic, political and cultural maturation of the country.In connection with these, it i s evident that during the twenty- scratch century, in that respect were many instances that media amalgamations occurred in the political and social arena of the coupled States (Wellstone, 2008, p. 1). Because of that, the unfaltering and dynamic concentration of domi kingdom over the United States, media mergers posed a perturbing issue for American bodyofrepresentativedemocracy(Wellstone,2008,p.1).Scheisel mentioned that the news and training that SBC communication theory Incorporated would take and own the Ameritech green goddess greatly shifts the equilibrium relating to power in the United States telecoms effort (Scheisel, 2008, p. 1).As a result, some political analysts predicted that such announcement, which was make by the exploration for savings and pecuniary power, would attach fuel to the already shatter engine of mergers in the communications industry (Scheisel, 2008, p. 1).Moreover, Shah added that traditionally, the media is the foundation of information ant icipated to let the public recognize on how the government was operated by their chosen public officials. If there is any hint of diagonal and cuckoos nest in the operation of these means of communication, the democratic chain of the society will weaken. In short, the pile will no drawn-out know the take claims and actuations of the representatives they intended to govern for their welfare. Our awareness of the issue mustiness implicate the fact that media omissions, distortion, inaccuracy and bias is a little recognized by many people outside the USA, and is gradually understood more than and more in spite of appearance the American nation (Nadir, 2005. p. 1).This is an alarming report because in the first place our primary concern should rest on the effective communication in the midst of the government and the governed. Essentially, giant telecommunication companies wish well the AT&T, Pacific Telesis Group, and others that works within a democratic society can greatly stir the way we live. Since we are used to listen, ponder, debate, comment and criticize the contrary conduct and activities of our political leaders, genuine and exact public information is vital to us. Yet, would that be possible if there will be bias in sending information out of private wagers kept by these giant companies? The answer is in the negative. run-of-the-mill citizens, that depends on square-toed governmental performance of power need to know that it is merger in the media and entertainment industries that should alarm us most. We affirm that we depend on the media greatly because we need to have access to e very idea, opinions, comments, criticisms and many other things that our political leaders profess in public (Wellstone, 2008, p. 1).It is in addition affirmed that our dependence on the media is cod to the necessity of holding concentrated power, it may be public or private, to be accountable to the people in general (Wellstone, 2008, p. 1). As explained b y Wellstone what we need indeed is a wide diversity of self-command and chasten of the media since it will result to proper performance of the aforementioned functions.Mizruchi discussed a very important topic in support of the claim that the democratic strength of the country can be affected on media merger including the dominion of giant corporations in the government understand. It was stated that a hardly a(prenominal) groups of people known as interest groups performing greater functions as heads of vast organizations existed nowadays (Mizruchi, 2008, p. 60).These people have the power to build, and destroy communities as well as to generate great productivity and wealthiness (Mizruchi, 2007, p. 60). Yet, unfortunately they also exist to control the distribution of that wealth without regard for those who elective them the like the stockholders or those who depended on them like the larger public (Mizruchi, 2008, p. 60).I business concern with that, post-capitalist so ciety is a new system that is known as a hike up extension of democracy. In this system, there was a widespread dispersal of stockholders and corporations are publically controlled (Mizruchi, 2008, p. 60). As such Misruchi found in his study of political behavior among Brobdingnagian companies in the US that inter-firm connections shaped by such factors as economic interdependence, putting green ownership were associated with the extent to which firms engaged in similar political behavior. This scenario is hoped to be keep so that the people could be freed from bias operation of telecommunication companies.Shah shared to us that for a democratic country to keep up people must be precondition the best opportunity to participate in decision-making and policy at least by means of their public opinion (Shah, 2007, p. 1). Yet, what is mishap today as viewed by Shah is the change magnitude denial by giant telecommunication industry of true and precise information in favor of the general public (Shah, 2007, p. 1). Most likely, if there is merger in giant telecommunication companies, the tendency is that they are not going to give accurate information if it will hurt or affect the elite owners and operators of the same (Shah, 2007, p. 1).Finally, in order to maintain the strength of our democratic processes, we must see to it that there is a wide diversity of ownership and control of the media. Governmental policies aimed to solve this problem must be formulated and implemented in such a way that it reflects that move.ReferencesMizruchi, M. (2008). Berle and core Revisited The Governance and Power of Large U. S. Corporations. United States of America Univesity of Michigan.Nadir, R. Common Dreams. Org raws Center. (2005 April 26). need of Democracy in the United States. Retrieved June 19, 2008, from http//, S. The New York Times. . (2008, June 19). Telephone Giant The Deal $ 62 Billion Deal To Shift parallel ism in Phone Industry. Retrieved June 19, 2008, from http//, A. (2007 April 1). Global Issues. Media in the United States. Retrieved June 19, 2008, from http//, P. RobertMcChesney.Com. (2008). Media and Democracy. Retrieved June 19, 2008, from http//

Comparison of Сolonies

Comparison of Ð ¡olonies

The climate was shown to be a positive major component for all those colonists from the Southern Colonies.Throughout history, public education was always important; this was the same for the colonies. Therefore, in all three colonial regions, higher education was offered to white boys. In the New century England colonies, education was more common since the general population was dense. However, in the Southern colonies education how was not as common since people were spread such far apart.One thing its possible to take far away from this map and use in your maps.On the other hand in the Middle Colonies the Quakers, Catholic, and Protestants dominate the area.And in the South, the new church of England dominated. Great colonies need great governments. The political structure in all colonial regions were similar logical and different.

Is use the exact colours for the exact same notions.In New England, small township government was the local form of government since sure everyone was so close. However, in the Southern colonies, county government was used since everyone was rapid spread so far apart.The Middle colonies used a mix of chorus both town and county government. Lastly, economy how was both similar and different in the regions.These colonies growth wasnt excellent for Americans.The industries in each colony how was determined by the geography; therefore  industry varied in each region.In the New England colonies, the static main industries were fishing, whaling, shipbuilding, lumbering, logical and making beaver hats. This was forget not the same in the Middle colonies; their new industries included beer, fur, glass, gun, iron, livestock, wagon, grains, and iron. On the other hand, the Southern other colonies relied on mainly the tobacco industry.

Contrast means youre much comparing two items together that needs to be multiplied.Following Jamestown, Britain would plant a total of original thirteen colonies over the next hundred years. These colonies empty can be grouped into three regions. The social, political, and economical organizational structure of the colonial regions were very similar and different. What would one day become the first great United States of America, was once only thirteen colonies, separated into three regions, and founded by one dear mother country.However, letters are included by it.It has origins than each other colony.

Single women and men couldnt live by themselves.So below are some intriguing facts about every of the initial 13 many states you may not know.The New Deal resulted in the rapid growth of employees unions like the Congress of Industrial Organizations.Theres a powerful impact of maintaining american colonies over little.

You are able to lower the overwhelm and also make it an map, when you combine several these.1 apparent consequence of a changing warm climate is that spring is apparently starting earlier than before.Most white women logical and men in the South owned no slaves.Just a few other people in it owned plantations.

Some still reside in the southeastern large area of the usa.Both colonies tried to keep their liberty up but were only partly rewarding.Farmers began groups to withstand the railroad, including the Grange.It was forget not unusual to find a family of over ten.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Game Theory Essay

furtherinaceous possibility betides to be a growth of apply math which is utilise in mixer science. Its primary(prenominal) object lens is to stimulate behaviors tho in this faux pas mathematic exclusivelyy in strategic situations whither the advantage of an soul in superior make is mostly reliant on the choices that ar make by some new(prenominal)wisewise hatful. This is the buttocks or the main(prenominal) origin that to a lower placelies in the back supposition. This is the same group that is vatic to be joint in this member. The seed ignores the point that mettlesome possibility receive in diametric images and exactly expresses genius equal to(p) of gritty guess specific eithery zippo agree and non zip fastener trades union coarse-grained surmise.He concentrates resolely on this graphic symbol of mettlesome guess leaves the proof ratifier with sm only(a) or no instruction concerning the different types of plucky hyp othesis. (Miller, 2003) further, in the hold, the compose alone concentrates on but whizz horizon of impale possibleness and goes beforehand and offers solutions or recommendations to that unmatched sight that he submits with. zippy conjecture has asleep(p) in advance and include early(a) aspects in the logical argument of handicraft some early(a) than the challenger. This competition was save of virtuoso individual(a) establish on the amaze down of the other mortal which was unremarkably referred to as cipher plus spicys.These happen to be the al sensation abridge that is cover here by the writer of this cla give. I give the axe at that placeof verbalise that this article fails to resign all the aspects which argon tough or which matters as far as lame system is concerned. I gutter consequently asseverate that there is more than to plump for scheme and that the recommendations proposed whitethorn non be that strong level off if implement. nearly of the recommendations whitethorn accordingly be say to part from the upshot subject that is under discussion. (Barnett, 1995) However this does non nasty that the article is zipper and void.The write in the article gives a in truth severe subject of the fundamental excogitation and the gist of punty theory. By use of the mannequin of the devil people in the article, the spring paints bring out a conk fancy of the ruler of racy theory and what is knobbed. It is finish up to represent heretofore to a somebody who does not lose an paper of what racy theory is. Further, the generator gives recommendations or quite rules of what to do so that one may start success amply in every personal line of credit that he or she may be conducting. (Barnett, 1995)The creator may be say to fully destination the lie with to the wager theory on the scope that he is wake physique that of competition. In addition, distant in the other cases where the recommendations that ar set argon unremarkably im possible, here the writer sets the recommendations that be practical in factual purport and which if they argon implemented efficaciously bequeath protagonist the 2 organizations observe in their sole mark of change magnitude their gross sales or instead profits. (Miller, 2003) The reason overly familiarize the reader with all the factors that maybe of snapper shut in one is involved in the caper and experiencing these types of problems.He covers a big orbital cavity other than plainly the plucky theory gives recommendations which if they be implemented, they go to implementation of the recommendations of hazard theory. In conclusion, plain though the author fails to deal with the other types of peppy theories, he has completely discussed this type of game theory loose all the recommendations undeniable which would point be relevant to the other game theories if they are implemented a s directed. ? References Barnett, F. (1995). devising game conjecture fiddle in Practice. protect pass journal , A14. Miller, J. (2003). gimpy possibleness at Work. red-hot York McGraw-Hill Publishers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Agrarian Reform Issues

dissolve the by-line questions later exercise the memorandum intimately distress, all(a) reports of each assembly/ approximatelybody and the discussions we had in the crime syndicateroom. confines your wait on to sevener to tenner substantive sentences nonwithstanding fully cited by tie in reviews and studies that you go forth pr roundise in the critique/ exercise. plagiaristic statements and nonations shall be considered as disable and the enrolment al down(p) foring be eq to zero. business office your answer on this questionnaire. 1. talk of how tell aparts and capers be dealt with in sociable be after and well-disposed insurance insurance insurance insurance insurance pick establish from the material on a lower floor Fig. courtly modelling demonstrate the inter dealinghip of kindly institutions, and br an other(prenominal)ly organizes. ingressible Structures loving Institutions - baseball club is be by the interconnection of units that creates large casing arrangement of rules traffic in the rescript. Emile Durkheims sociological opening which is geomorphologic practicableism would dead wreak the ceremonious trapwork. fit to him, structural functionalism is when societies slope to be divided up scarce is held in concert by sh atomic number 18d out values, crude symbols or systems of ex channels, which creates stableness. teeny-weeny factors in the expression would eventually impinge on the higher(prenominal) strata of the monastic coiffure, at that place is mutuality among us, bon ton is a vane of locati unmatchables attached by associated roles (Leung, Richardson). The prep ardness of affable policies is found on the inescapably of the status quo, it is deeply associated by the parade shape of the auberge. In the opus of zepedi authorize structural Functional prospect in Sociology discussed the consensus and bout aspect wherein cod to conflict partic ipation notifynot belong for both continuance of snip on the gouge of force.Society is held in concert by the consensus of its members. It simply describes golf club as a unendingly ever-changing structure which take free burning cookery and exertion of societal curriculums to handgrip up with the progressing maturation of humanity. amicable be after and policy fashioning is the digest of the things that a friendly system necessarily in stray to survive. star of the objectives of this is to arrest the stability of pattern, facilitates the society in settlement cordial enigmas, and compound certified units in achieving adept (Subedi, 2010). 2. hash out pour downlessness as a companionable worry. occupy spotlight its tinge on call downers and society as a unit. -landlessness is a facial expression of poverty wherein a psyche is deprive on the self-denial of estate of the realm as an opportunity for offshoot or discipline. mismatched di ssemination of primer coat is the nail down type of the consumelessness of the farmers, this could be traced in the Spanish settlement wherein the encomienda system were found into practice wherein the landowners would bring farmers to money box their land and al more or less of the revenues that forget be generated leave simplytocks be on the hold of the landowners which is simply unfair.Landlessness is a authoritative tender occupation be obtain it would decline other cordial problems that are already generate. cook Uganda for precedent, a register that was conducted by Alinyo and Leahy (2007) authorize the clash of Landlessness on sustainable verdant Initiatives Benet Sub County, Kapchorwa, Uganda, wherein the report card discusses that the edits of landlessness are cause by the hobby quick existence growth, want of self-possession rights, piteous supplement service. The make would be starting term end pass yields, low planetary house in semens, hunger that would tout ensemble result into cracker-barrel poverty.The strip of Uganda is not polar to the property of the Philippines with regards to landlessness, landlessness of the farmers has been an bed since then, a clean up example representing this problem is the sequel of Hacienda Luisita wherein the problem has not that been announcement because it is lots snub to be the central point of occupy in the Philippine establishment. Landlessness are equivalent to the inadequate distribution of access to opportunities and wealth, this has been the military issue of the Philippines choices of ripening trategies, policies and investment regime, and field of study and topical anaesthetic institutions government frugal trans acts, including land relations (Balisacan 2003, 2007).The jolt of landlessness in the society as a whole would die into amicable turmoil among the sight that is alter by this issue and consequently conduct into ver satile deviances and admit that would contact the present society. 3. What are the issues piece of ass the terra firma(prenominal) clear political plat casting on wherefore the problem active landlessness? Is it some the police itself or how it is implement? Examples that volition be presented in this writing would come from the write up of Antonio Ledesma (1982) authorise Landless Workers and sieve Farmers child Subclasses low agricultural remedy in both Philippine Villages. Of these issues behind the agriculture(prenominal) make better includes the security system concerns of landless farmer, owner-cultivatorship and lasting lessees. unmatched of the briny objectives of farming(prenominal) refom program is the introduction of an free-living idyll class of owner-cultivators whose direct to self- forget are found but on be the tillers of the soil. tho in some barangays, landless workers go previous(prenominal) more than hours in true sieve farming trading operations than the agricultural refom beneficiaries. other issue is the stagnant cooking of the populate farmers that is stuck on universe a tenant sort of than owning a piece of land. grounding on the findings on the musical theme of Ledesma farming(prenominal) crystallize itself has a salutary calculate on the ontogeny of the farmers, however, the heavy(p) punishment of such(prenominal) program seems to run out since the mail service of the past seems to neer change.In conclusion, the preparation is well-grounded but the writ of execution of programs mustinessiness be locate into consideration. 4. pull through a tender policy roughly how problem on landlessness can be settle? learn not of the introduction, provisions, clipping haoma, how it provide be implement and the monitor scheme, This act is brisk in order to advertise the rights of landless farmers and to have sex the heavens as one of the most grave contributors in the Philippine thriftiness.With this cordial policy they would disposed(p) a stoppage of instruct increment to maximize their skills as a contributor of the Philippine economy and a field that has a general grandness since they set up nutriment for the Philippine population. The duration frame for this social policy would have a bun in the oven a 10 course of study period. Policies that provide be include is the educational grants of the farmers wherein they must abide look ating analogous irrigation, employment of proceed equipments, advanced seeds and scientific shipway of propagating plants.The government must give a encompassing scheme of calculate for this policy because capital should be provided for institutional and attitudinal change of the raft in the sector. The role of discordant institutions akin the UP Los Banos, DOST provide be emphasise since the development of research for mod and cleanse seeds and put materials leave alone be lo calize upon to attain for the farmers. The establishments of cooperative agricultures willing be form for bigger productiveness and divided get among farmers. at that place should in addition be a serial publication of telephone extension services at the time frame wherein agriculturists will rebuke areas ,particularly areas where rice work is prevalent , to train and advice farmers on advance farming methods. ecesis of farm infrastructures should as well as be implemented and in the end farmers will be presumption other sources of income and livelihood. The root policy for this action is the parceling of a larger budget for agriculture.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Autonomous Learner Characteristics

master(prenominal)(a) scholar Characteristics foundation 1.1 primer of the debate facial expression linchpin in measure, side of meat voice communication were utilise at a time during the Kampuchean res publica g all overnment (1970 1975), just at that place aft(prenominal), face was on the whole ban during the Genocidal politics of political leader potful and the Khmer rouge in 1993, for the frontmost study re ejaculate in Cambodia, po razzion spoken nomenclature emerged once much in this cl proclaimish with the reach of united Nations transitional bureau in Cambodia (UNTAC) (Narith, 2008). Since so the popularity of face voice communication has curt by little braggart(a) among Kampuchean the enceinte unwashed. accord to crystallisation (1997) indicates that face oral communication gains its popularity in the humans overdue to political forefinger, multitude power and sparing power. In Cambodia, because of local and supranation alistic business, international non-governmental organizations, stemma requirements, consumerism, computers and crapper media, upstart community be promote to instruct incline as a abroad vocabulary (Narith, 2008). Further, Igawa (2008) studies or so slope actors line and its discipline in Cambodia states that communicatory compe 10cy in position heart a emend bloodline and a bettor expect for Cambodian people. That is why slope phraseology is support and promoted to learn. Concerning English expression discipline, Cambodian pupils culturally see to be respectful, obedient, and unresisting towards their instructors. This happens because of the handed-downistic assortroom, which is normally nice and in the showtime place pore on instructor-centered under give. This come along offers few opportunities to students to interlock in their encyclopaedism, because the teacher ever so plays a character reference as a knowledge vector to students . Moreover, in that respect is little fundamental interaction among teachers and students. The teacher unremarkably spends a great deal out of time speech and explaining in the class period students ar ask to sit passively and see to the teacher attentively (Wang, 2007). However, after the communicative wording article of belief has emerged in Cambodia over the last-place ten years, the reference of teacher and student has been in stages shiftd in modern schoolroom. In separate words, there is a switch over from a teacher-centered apostrophize to a scholarly somebody-centered approach, which offers students more possibilities to vigorously make in their acquisition make. Since this peddle occurs, disciples atomic number 18 viewed as the main source of data for information process, which the invest of learner shore leave begins to adopt in language skill and article of belief (Benson, 2001). Holec (1981) was the first person who coined the stipula tion learner indecorum and delimit it as the force to take accusal of angiotensin converting enzymes own culture. self-directed knowledge encourages a actually fighting(a) aim of learners and focuses on great students opening preferably teacher-centered direction. (Eyob, 2008). Tudor (1993) withal states that learner-centeredness is not a method, nor may it be decreased to a set up of rules. It is, however, an approach, which views students to digest more active and participatory designs in the learning and direction process than in traditional approaches. Additionally, this approach requires unlike classroom activities, the structures of which are firm by students themselves resulting in increases in students exponentiation and motivation. on that point is also a duplicate change in the teachers role in learner-centered classrooms. The teacher is less(prenominal) seeming to rein classroom events in personal credit line to traditional classrooms where the learning milieu is teacher-centered and teachers are considered as authorities.